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What projects does construction and installation include? Shandong Rongsheng Construction tells you

Construction and installation projects are divided into two parts: construction projects and installation projects.

1.Construction project

Construction projects include:

① Various housing (such as factories, warehouses, dormitories, etc.) and buildings (such as chimneys, water towers, bridges, etc.) projects;

② Construction projects such as equipment foundations, pillars, workbenches, and ladders, various special masonry projects and metal structure projects such as iron-making furnaces and coke ovens;

③Various pipelines, transmission lines and conductor projects (included in the construction project budget);

④ Site setting for construction, demolition of original buildings and obstacles, land leveling, engineering geological exploration for construction as specified in the design, etc.;

⑤ Mine excavation engineering;

⑥Water conservancy projects;

⑦Air defense, underground construction, etc.

2. Installation project

Installation project is the abbreviation of equipment installation project, which includes:

① Various assembly and installation projects that require the installation of equipment;

② Installation projects such as workbenches and ladders connected to the equipment;

③Pipeline laying work attached to the equipment being installed;

④Insulation, anti-corrosion, heat preservation, painting and other work of the installed equipment;

⑤ In order to measure the quality of the installation work, various trial operations are carried out on individual equipment. It should be pointed out that the investment in the installation project should not include the value of the equipment being installed and the investment in the basic engineering of the equipment.

Construction and installation projects can be divided into contracted projects and self-operated projects according to different construction methods.

Characteristics of construction and installation projects

1. Wide in coverage and large in volume, covering both urban and rural areas

In rural areas, with the development of agriculture and the rise of township and village enterprises, small industrial buildings and civil buildings are being constructed. In the city, all kinds of industries are flourishing. As far as residential construction is concerned, there are scattered constructions at first, and then demolition and construction of large areas, often measuring tens of thousands of square meters. The annual residential construction volume nationwide is approximately more than 100 million square meters. The booming development of the construction industry has attracted a large number of surplus labor in rural areas. The quality of all employees in construction enterprises needs to be improved, which has become an urgent issue.

2. The construction period is long and requires many open-air operations.

Due to the shortage of urban land, housing construction tends to be spatially oriented. Even for multi-story buildings, it usually takes several years from preparation to putting into use. Affected by seasonal changes, construction in rainy season and winter requires corresponding technical measures to ensure project quality.

3. Quality accidents are hidden and lagging.

In civil construction, especially the construction of reinforced concrete projects, due to various reasons, quality accidents take a period of time to be exposed, making accident handling difficult. From repairs to rework, it will cause losses, and in serious cases, it will affect the service life of the project.

4. The project volume is large and the technology is complex

Large industrial buildings, public buildings, and high-rise buildings are constantly adopting new structural systems, new equipment, new technologies, new processes, and new materials. The projects require large amounts of work, complex construction techniques, and high precision requirements. For example, when building a high-rise building in a downtown area, the taller the building and the deeper the foundation, the more difficult the construction will be. Not only must the quality of the project be ensured, but effective measures must also be taken to ensure that adjacent buildings and the urban underground pipe network are not damaged. .

5. The production process is complex and there are many types of work